Benzo+Stacey (Wedding Trailer)

ZhengHao+SzeCheng (Same-Day-Edit)

Alex+Rachel (Wedding Trailer)

What does a celebration means to you? For Alex and Rachel it’s a special occasion that their closest family and friends gather together to witness their union. What’s more it falls on a meaningful date.
P.S. I was really excited when Rachel asked me to be their wedding videographer as we know each other through dance days! Throughout I saw so many familiar faces and it felt really heartwarming.

Marcus+Tiffanie (Wedding Trailer)

Matt+Kay (Wedding Trailer)

JianBin + Rebecca (Wedding Trailer)

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." - 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a

JunBoon+Jinny (Wedding Trailer)

Jake+Jesslyne (Same-Day-Edit)

Jimmy+Chloe (Same-Day-Edit)

Gabriel+Shii (Same-Day-Edit)

Nguyen+ShanPing (Wedding Trailer)

Ivan+Shu (Wedding Trailer)

c o m m u t e /kəˈmjuːt/
For that very day in their lives, Ivan and Shu decided to ditch the idea of having a wedding car and took the public transport that they commute to work everyday, the Singaporean Style - MRT.
It was most probably the day that they really look forward to, travelling to their own wedding venue and becoming one.

Samuel + Zhao Ying (Split-Day-Edit)

"With you, is you I will treasure. With you... Love is a reason, in every season. You show me what love looks like - unconditional, faithful, peace and kindness."

Jun Jin+Chang Qi (Lunch-Express-Edit)

It all started when we're in school, during orientation camp at NTU Hall 8...

Kenneth+Charlotte (Same-Day-Edit)

Jason+Alina (Split-Day-Edit)

Ivan+Candy (Same-Day-Edit)

"The world is a painting in all the hues.Of me and you, me and you."

Yang Yi + Michelle (Lunch-Express-Edit)

Reminisce of  the journey through this relationship, and till where they are today - tying the knot.

Eng Yeow+Celine (Same-Day-Edit)

When a die hard Liverpool fan met a Man-U supporter.

Timothy+Yvonne (Split-Day-Edit)

We love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:19

Robin+Vanessa (Wedding Trailer)

"You're really my best friend, the apple of my eye, and I looked at you in wonder."
A love that prevails even through this strange times - Covid 19 pandemic.

Benezer+Vanessa (Wedding Trailer)

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